Schmooze with Suze
Hi, I’m Suze. Here with your dose of culture, values and global citizenship- and where we tackle those topics others may consider off-limits.
A little about me, I’m a busy GenX mom who, quite frankly, wanted to grow up like the Brady Bunch… But ended up being raised in the shadow of Schindler’s List. So this means I’ve spent a lifetime navigating these mixed messages we get hit with daily. You know those conversations- where we wonder if it’s safe to speak our minds? Can we share our experiences? Voice our fears and concerns, or should we just keep our mouths shut?
Well, too bad. I need to know! But I’m no expert. So, I’m going to schmooze the experts and get their thoughts. Why? So when we engage with our kids, colleagues, or the countless committees we interact with, we can do it with competence, kindness, confidence, and maybe a bit of humor.
If this sounds like your cup of coffee- welcome to Schmooze with Suze!
Schmooze with Suze
Can You Strengthen Faith By Talking About More Than Interfaith? My Guest: Elizabeth Andersen, OneJax Inc.
Back in the 1900s there was a period of time that you could not safely stroll the streets of Manhattan for fear.
I’m not talking about the high profile cases that made the news. Those weren’t the things that scared me. Violence that had statistics meant there were people following and tracking those crimes and those criminals. Also, money was invested into researching ways to avoid becoming a statistic.
But for me, the real stories that didn’t make the big news, was people being hit in the head by a brick, or a random jumping in the park. A sudden suffering subjected to an innocent by a stranger. It could be someone mentally ill or high on drugs… Or teens daring each other. And it was a more common occurrence. (And by the way, that story could be repeated about what has become the "Baked Apple" of today.)
So, who can we put our faith into during times like those? Like these?
What is Faith? And that’s what we’re going to tackle today…
What comes to mind when you hear the word FAITH?
Can you have FAITH and TRADITION but not RELIGION?
Can you have FAITH but not a FAITH-TRADITION?
Does INTERFAITH cover all RELIGIONS or all FAITH possibilities?
Elizabeth Andersen, CEO of OneJax, shares there is a world of insights waiting to be uncovered in strategic planning and the honest self-assessment required to push boundaries and bridge gaps- all in an effort to meet our Jacksonville community where they are, with the needs they have.
OneJax, a nonprofit organization that promotes diversity as the foundation for a strong community through respect and understanding among people from different backgrounds, faiths, races, cultures and identities. Through advocacy, community engagement and education, OneJax believes that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to when we are Different Together. Find out more, and become part of this journey of community, empathy, and understanding at https://onejax.org/
Each year since 1970, OneJax hosts a Humanitarian Awards Event to honor outstanding individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our community.
This year it will take place on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts.
I look forward to seeing you there!
To purchase sponsorship or tickets, go to https://onejax.app.neoncrm.com/forms/10
Do you have some feedback, thoughts or questions?
Want to be a guest on my show or have an Honorable Mensch to nominate?
Connect on Instagram @SchmoozewithSuze
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